Seven Habits of Impactful Evaluations

Get access to our newest ebook, "Seven Habits of Impactful Evaluations", and gain insight on impactful habits to improve your engagement and collaboration with customers during a Proof of Concept

The focus of the Seven Habits of Impactful Evaluations is on the need to consider the process, people, and technology of executing a world-class evaluation.
Learn how the following seven habits can help you improve your proof of concept win rate.

  1. Take time to document the POC
  2. Qualify why you consent to a POC
  3. Understand business value
  4. Focus on the essentials that lead to a successful POC
  5. Understand the necessary outcomes of a POC
  6. Before starting a POC, conduct a thorough discovery
  7. Build the relationship with your customer by nurturing trust
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