Automation allows business owners to reduce the effort of implementing and maintaining their business systems while also reducing the total cost of ownership. By replacing, modernizing and integrating your business systems business owners can save time and reduce costs.

leads to

Simplification of your business systems via automation results in reduced costs and staffing requirements.

What We Do

Our expertise in automation allows us to reduce your time, risk, and cost of systems that are not integrated or become outdated.

The benefit of modern, automated, and integrated business systems results in your organization being more efficient. Automation has also proven to help reduce costs both in the number of systems used and the staff required to support them.

  • Update Your Systems


    We leverage modern and easy-to-use no-code tools to replace legacy systems and applications which today tend to be slow, clunky, and cost you more money. Back in the day, it was the right decision, but things have changed. Benefit from the modern no-code tools.
  • Automate Your Processes


    We automate laborious and repetitive tasks by utilizing automation tools to give your team time back every week, so they can focus on work that brings value. If interested we can also advise and help with how to leverage AI in your business.
  • Consolidate Your Processes


    We bring all your tools and processes into an integrated streamlined system where possible. We can often reduce the number of subscriptions you have. We can also that each tool integrates (shares data) so you don't have to sneaker-net or manually re-enter data in another system.


Why Work With Us?
  • Increase your Output

    We augment your team when required. We can work with you once, short, medium, or long-term as required. Our value is providing you with constant improvements to your systems, empowering your team to do more work in the same amount of time.
  • Cut your Costs

    By consolidating your systems, you reduce your system licenses into lower-priced, more effective tools. Then, with new, easy-to-use systems in place, your staffing requirements drop too.
  • Streamline your Processes

    Legacy systems add complexity, costs, and let's face it...stress. Simplify your systems with a small set of efficient tools, and reap the benefits of automation.

Getting Started

We make it easy to get you started to determine the right membership package to resolve your automation needs with these easy steps:

1) You complete the WHATS GOING ON? form
2) We review your submission and email you our ideas and thoughts
3) If you like what we propose then we book a free 20min meeting to connect and work out the details
4) Finally, you select the membership package and we get working for you.

It's that simple!
Tell us what systems, processes, tasks, and issues you face. Be as detailed as you wish. We will review this and email you back with a summary response.

Flexible & Personalized Business Plans

We offer flexible business plans to get you on the right path to efficient, timely, and streamlined automation.

We determine the business plan based on your needs. To start complete the WHAT'S GOING ON form.

Once you submit the WHAT'S GOING ON form our team will review and determine if our services are a fit to your needs.

If there is a fit we will schedule a 20 min call to acquire further details and determine the next steps.
Jumpstart Plan
Perfect for small projects
  • Paid hourly
  • 10 hours per month
Professional Plan
Perfect to review & revitalize your systems
  • Project planning
  • 15 hours per month
  • Ongoing automation
  • Unused hours rollover for a 3-month period
Executive Plan
Designed for ongoing systems management 
  • Project planning
  • 25 hours per month
  • Ongoing automation
  • Unused hours rollover for a 6-month period

Helping Business Owners

  • Who We Serve

    small, local and home based business with any number of employees.
  • What We Provide

    we streamline and integrate your business systems with modern no-code applications.
  • Business Owner Dilimena

    there are two significant issues facing business owners:

    First, Even business owners with a technical background require technical assistance or guidance. but as a business owner, your focus is growing your business not troubleshooting applications.

    second, Many business owners try to address automation by hiring people to manage those tedious tasks - but that gets expensive from a cost and people-management perspective.

  • Our Focus

    Our focus is to enable and leverage our experience with no-code tools to ensure your business systems are streamlined, integrated, and cost-effective.
  • Our Objective

    We partner with business owners with real-world expertise with business systems to reduce their costs and improve how applications work with each other in an automated manner.
  • Our Impact

    automated business systems allow business owners to reduce errors, reduce costs and remove hours of tedious and repetitive tasks for business owners.

Who We Serve

understanding who we serve any why
We serve business owners whether you are a small, local, or home-based business regardless of the number of employees you have.

We provide integration and automation services to your existing systems and applications or replace them with modern no-code applications - which often results in lower costs.

Even business owners with a technical background require some assistance or guidance with their technology requirements. As a business owner, your focus should be on growing your business, not spending hours working on your technology back/front office applications.
Our focus is to enable and leverage our experience wiht no-code tools to ensure your systems are streaminline, integrated, cost-effective.

We provide services to reduce your costs, improve the processes and how your applications work with each other. When this is done we reduce errors, cost and remove hours of tedius and repeativie tasks for business owners. Some business owners hire people to do these tasks - resulting in higher expenses and reducing their bottom line profits. We can bring those profits back to your bottom line and back account.


What tools do you use?
We don't limit ourselves to specific tools as we believe that every process has its own perfect tool for the job.

Through our own no-code community, we have relationships with over 500 no-code tools so we have a very good grasp of the tools available. We evaluate tools based on their functionality, scalability, and security and we look for ways to utilize tools for multiple functions, to reduce complexity and cost. Our most commonly used tools are Airtable, Zapier, Tilda, Softr and SmartSuite.
How do you work?
You have a dedicated specialist who works with you on an ongoing basis.

Think of them as your "tech person" who you can send the project over to. We start with an initial meeting to learn about your systems. We then create a plan for optimizing those systems. You approve any areas you would like your specialist to optimize and then we get started. You have an optional 1-hour session each week where you can work with your specialist on your projects directly. On top of that, we have a form where you can submit short projects for your specialist directly. Each week, you get a video review from your specialist giving you an update on the progress they have made that week.
Why wouldn't I just hire a Software Developer?
Great question!

The average salary of a software developer in Canada/USA is over $65K plus benefits. No-code tools are also much faster and cheaper to implement than traditional code, meaning we can achieve more in the same amount of time. Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying when you have work available for them.
Other Questions
Something we missed? Please reach out to us and we are glad to address your inquiry.
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